Tangled Blog – Why Does My Wig Tangle and What Can I Do About It?

Why Does My Wig Tangle





So you’ve found the wig of your dreams and like any new relationship, you are getting to know each other.  You love the luscious hair, the skin like part, everything- then, after a few hours of wear you feel some tangling at the nape of the wig. Why is your high end wig tangling and what can you do about it?




It would seem that one of the reasons to invest in a high end wig is that there would be no knotting, but in fact the opposite is true. A good quality wig is more likely to experience some knotting (only at the nape). With a few tricks and a little know-how you’ll have it all under control.



First, let’s address the why. Why does a wig tangle?





 The scalp produces natural oils that keep hair from drying out and getting tangled, which explains why your wig knots and your hair may not. Another reason the wig will tangle wig is because a Freeda Wig is made of 100% Virgin European hair, which will have cuticles. Activity with the cuticles, humidity, and body heat can cause slight knotting. With care the cuticles lie flat and in the proper direction.




 Any activity that causes the cuticles to ruffle will increase the chance that the wig could tangle. Lots of friction from body heat, sweaters, collars, and scarves occur in the area of the neck, you’ll find that the nape area is where tangles most commonly occur.




Where do we start?




Step one would be a proper shampoo and conditioning on the hair. On one’s hair a scrubbing motion might be used but a wig needs different care, which is why we recommend that the wig be maintained by a professional if possible. Shampooing and conditioning on a wig should be more like a gentle combing through the hair followed by a gentle rinse.  Glide a comb or your fingers down the hair gently; this will cause the cuticles to be smooth preventing excess knotting. You’ll also want to use a quality shampoo and conditioner.




When the wig is damp you’ll want to do a complete comb through the hair to assure that the wig dries with no knots. At the end of the day you’ll want to remove all knots and tangles before you store the wig.




When using a blow dryer point it downward to smooth the cuticles in one direction. With time the cuticles eventually start to fit together and the knotting at the nape will subside. You can flat iron the nape to smooth the cuticles further.




Do you have any tricks to help reduce tangling or knotting in your wig? Reach out and share them with us, we love to hear from you.